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Benefits of Installing Solar Systems in Your Home

Ronnie Brewer

Solar installations have been expanding in popularity in recent years, and for a good reason. It makes a lot of sense to turn a portion of the energy generated from the sun into a reliable source of electricity that can power your home. Pertaining to this, when you install a solar system, you'll be reducing your own carbon footprint and helping to create a cleaner future.

If you're a homeowner interested in having solar installed on your home, several benefits can be realized by taking the leap. Read on to learn more about these advantages of solar energy.

Save on Utility Bills

Solar power systems are one of the most sustainable energy options. One of the top reasons homeowners are switching to solar systems is because they are king to your wallet. The cost savings are so significant that you can really feel good about the decrease in your utility costs. The cost of installing a solar system for your home can be fairly high – typically anywhere from $10,000 to more than $30,000. But you can recoup much of this investment by saving on your utility bills year after year.

Increase the Curb Appeal

Selling a home with a solar power system is a poignant way to add value to your property and increase your cash flow, making it an attractive investment for investors and home buyers alike. If you build or purchase a new house or lot, solar energy can provide an appealing selling point to real estate agents.

It is estimated that solar panels installed on homes today can offer an extra 3-4% increase in value. Solar panels are proven to prolong the life of systems and increase insolation found in the form of sunlight through their use. This means that your solar system will probably last longer than initially anticipated, which provides an attractive selling point.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Installing a system saves you money and reduces carbon pollution, which is essential for the survival of our planet. The average American household spends $30,000 each year on power, and that figure could be up to four times higher if using fossil fuel-driven electricity.

A rooftop solar system will provide you with a constant supply of electricity at a fraction of the cost of fossil-fuel-powered systems and with a longer lifespan compared to a battery system. Solar power plants do not release any greenhouse gas emissions, but they provide a reliable source of clean, renewable power that does not cause harm to the environment.

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